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Reactoo release update to Text Chat plugin

Reactoo release update to text chat plugin including chat reaction, text chat graphic overlays and advanced profanities filters.

The team at Reactoo is excited to announce an update to our text chat plugin including chat reaction, text chat graphic overlays and advanced profanity filters. 

The new chat reaction feature allows users to react to other messages in the text chat with emojis. There are pre-defined emojis which let users react with thumbs up, heart, face with tears of joy and angry face adding an extra layer of engagement to the chat.

This update now allows producers to highlight messages from the text chat and run them as overlaid graphics during a production. Create a two-way interaction with a live audience by answering questions, spotlighting viewers and building relationships with the audience. 

In addition advanced profanities filters have been added to hide spam, threats, foul language and chat bots before they reach your audience. Our automated filter will detect words and phrases that are offensive and hide these comments so you don’t have to manually monitor the chat activity. 

If you’d like more information, or to learn how you can add this plugin to your workflow, get in touch


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